Thursday, January 24, 2013

So this is my big post, the first two don’t really count. But anyway this is my evaluation. I originally intended to buy pies from at least five different pie selling establishments, but my budget kind of put a stop to that. I blame the economy. But the point is that I had a slightly smaller sample size, so this boils down to a battle of supermarkets, Jewel vs. Ultra Foods. I purchased two pies from each store, a normal apple pie and a Dutch apple pie. I and my parents sampled all four and decided which was better in the two categories. Here’s the breakdown:

Cost: The Jewel pies both cost five dollars, Ultra foods charged five for the Dutch and four for the plain, so in cost Ultra Foods wins.

Appearance: For the plain pies the Jewel pie was a little darker, it almost looked burnt, and kind of smelled like it too. For the Dutch pies, when I cut into the Jewel Dutch pie something oozed out. I don’t mean delicious pie filling. If you need to know what a Dutch apple pie is, it differs from a normal pie because instead of a crust it’s covered with crumbly goodness. This particular one had crumbs, and some kind of pale tan paste below the crumbs. I guess the bakers didn’t know how to make crumbs hold together, because when you heat up this pie for fifteen seconds in the microwave, this paste liquefied. My mom says it’s a flour paste, I’m not sure but whatever it was, I don’t trust it. I’m suspicious it may industrial waste or something scraped off the bottom of some barrel.

This leads me to consistency. When you eat pie, it’s alright if it falls apart a bit, but too much and you end up chasing it around your plate with a fork. I don’t have time for that, when I eat pie I get focused. I get intense. So this pie better hold itself together, because there’s no bigger frustration than getting excited for a mouthful of pie to watch it fall off the fork and force you to start all over again. Jewel basically served gloop in a pie tin and expected me not to notice. If you’re thinking this seems to be a one sided review, well I haven’t even gotten to taste yet.   

Taste: Are you really surprised by now? I’m sure you can guess what I’m going to say, but Jewel did not win. If Jewel had only a bakery they wouldn’t last a day. Their pie was astoundingly bad, and I would say it was made by monkeys, if I wasn’t so fond of monkeys. I don’t want to insult the good chimp name. Seriously this was a pie that I could not finish. I couldn’t even get passed one bite. This is me, I’ll eat almost anything, and I’ll eat things that are borderline trash. And I love pie more than any other food. But I would eat food out of trash before eating that pie again, and while it hurts me to throw away pie, the trash is exactly where it ended up. Jewel committed food sin.

On a lighter note the Ultra food pie had a rich cinnamon flavor and the plain pie was flaky and the apples were crisp. I went back for seconds. I would recommend putting it into the microwave for more than fifteen seconds if you want the center to be warmed through. I also suggest ice cream because apple pie gets lonely on a plate. But the point is Ultra food has some pretty good pie. Maybe not baker Square good, but it is cheaper and right by the frozen food section, perfect for that impulse buy.
Sorry this turned into a Jewel bashing thing. It was supposed to be a pie sampler of every pie selling establishment in Joliet. But my wallet and my blood sugar couldn’t take the hit, this was actually a death match between the two establishments closest to my house. Also I don’t really hate Jewel. They do other nice things. At bigger supermarkets the run in to get milk takes longer. And Jewel makes the best chicken strips on earth hands down. If they ever hire me to redesign their business I will demolish their travesty of a bakery and make the deli twice as big. They should really stick to what their good at.           

I wish this was more competitive, but Ultra foods won. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My next post will be my analysis of store bought apple pie. I will buy multiple brands of apple pie from different supermarkets and restaurants in the Joliet area and grade them based on:
  • taste
  • texture
  • appearance
  • moisture
  • consistency
  • cost
Hopefully my list will be helpful for anyone shopping at local supermarkets and anyone who likes pie, but lets face it everyone does. 

the purpose of this blog is to analyze food from various sources to determine what is the best of that food in the area. For example, with apple pie I will buy pies from all the local supermarkets and several restaurants in the area and grade each pie on quality to determine where to get the best.To see what future posts will look like check out this food blog